Clearly Anywhere Mobile/Desktop App
Navigate to Google Play store and search for the Clearly Anywhere app
Apple (iOS)
Navigate to the App, Store, and search for the Clearly Anywhere app
Log in to the App using the direct link emailed to you by the system.
If you do not see the email check your Spam folder. It will have a subject line of "Mobile setup instructions"
Desktop Version
The desktop app is a system-wide upgrade for the ClearlyAnywhere Mobile App.
Once upgraded any user with a CA mobile app can also then access the desktop app.
Download the Application
Download the latest Desktop App as outlined below
Windows - Download our App from the Microsoft App Store here
Click on the link and accept the download
Logging In
Once you have installed Clearly Anywhere and launched the Application it will request that you login.
Use the same credentials you use for your mobile app to log into the desktop app
Username: Your Username
Password: Your Password
Domain: The PBX Domain or IP address that you setup in the Clearly Anywhere module on your PBX.
Press Sign In and you should be logged in and ready to start making and receiving calls.
Desktop Usage Guide